Articles in the Negotiations Category
Negotiations »

After the debates within the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) in the early nineties, those who have rejected the paradigm of the Maoist protracted peoples’ war and the Stalinist concept of organizational principles of the CPP in the current revolutionary project in the Philippines, have evolved a new paradigm. This paradigm shows that the revolutionary mass movement and its intensification is an effective and appropriate way of building socialism in a country like the Philippines today. It also defines that this kind of revolutionary struggle, led by the proletariat, …
National Analysis, Negotiations, Revolutionary Peoples Army »

Conflict transformation in order to be effective need a proactive and holistic efforts not only to stop the violence and destruction but more so to build and strengthen infrastructure that is sensitive and responsible to the needs of the broadest possible section of the people. It is a continuous progression of curative, preventive and proactive activities of all the stakeholders involve in the transformation process. The whole process creates a some kind of social bonding which will lead to a social covenant among the stakeholders including the government representatives and …