Articles tagged with: RPM-M Youth Commission
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The Rebolusyonaryong Partido ng Manggagawa – Mindanao and the Revolutionary Peoples’ Army (RPM-M/RPA) expressed strong condemnation to the tragic Davao City bombing on September 2, 2016 that claimed 14 lives and injured 67 individuals. We profoundly condole with the bereaved families of all those killed and injured.
This inhuman and cowardice attack to civilians and public spaces is only to sow fear, terror and division among the population, and must be faced squarely and with firm resolve. As a response, the Philippine President put the country under the State of National …
Youth Commission »

September 15, 2009
TO: All Comrades from all Sections, Supporters Sympathizers
RE: A Call for Solidarity and Support
Revolutionary Greetings to all the comrades from the Fourth International, sympathizers and camp participants from the Young Cadres’ Conference and the Youth Commission of the RWPM.
Since 2004, the RWPM was able to send young comrades to the international camps in Europe despite the difficulties in terms of technical, financial and security considerations. We face these considerations as revolutionaries because we know that the experiences and the lessons that our young comrades will learn are …
Headline, Youth Commission »

The Youth Movement is generally an integral part of the mass movement that aims to achieve revolutionary change of the society. With the defensive status of the over-all revolutionary movement and the offensives of capitalism through its neo-liberal policies, the revolutionary youth movement needs to strengthen its ranks and intensify its struggle of achieving genuine reforms and revolution, along with the over-all revolutionary movement of the society.
In this historic occasion of the Party’s anniversary, the Young Cadres Conference and the Youth Commission re-affirm with enthusiasm their commitment and conviction in …