Articles tagged with: Negotiations
Negotiations, Revolutionary Peoples Army »

Position Paper of the RPM-M/RPA on the Demobilization, Disarmament, Reintegration/Rehabilitation Framework of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines vis-à-vis Peace Talks
The Press Statement of Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita on September 3, 2008 has drawn reactions from various Revolutionary groups and even civil society groups. It was obviously formulated in the midst of the current hostilities in Mindanao that killed innocent civilians, destroyed properties and displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians. Of course, this has to be blamed on some base commanders of the MILF and their irrational reactions …
Negotiations »

The significant changes brought about the globalized tensions and conflicts have influenced the outlook and frameworks of various institutions, groups, and revolutionary parties to review and rethink their strategies and methodologies in conflict transformation and peace building works.
The RPMM strongly believes that effective methods to transform conflict and build infrastructure for peace is to understand the nature and causes of conflicts in their historical and current contexts. It has fully understood that the conflicts, violence and war in the Philippines had been caused by the globalized greed and exploitation of …
National Analysis, Negotiations, Revolutionary Peoples Army »

Conflict transformation in order to be effective need a proactive and holistic efforts not only to stop the violence and destruction but more so to build and strengthen infrastructure that is sensitive and responsible to the needs of the broadest possible section of the people. It is a continuous progression of curative, preventive and proactive activities of all the stakeholders involve in the transformation process. The whole process creates a some kind of social bonding which will lead to a social covenant among the stakeholders including the government representatives and …